My Child,

I wrote your story to bring me glory.
It’s time to testify.

-Love, God

by Jennifer Weiss


Dove Publishing House = Books Done + Love

Self-pubishing made simple. Our prayer is that you learn to fly in your gift of writing until you are soaring. You were born for this!  God’s power and presence will be bound within the pages of the books we partner in together.


Partnership +


The publishing process can be overwhelming to get your words ready to fly to your readers. The process can feel BIG — from the editing process, to formatting, along with cover design before it’s ready for the world to see. Let us simplify that process for you and help you give wings to your words.

Most books typically cost between $3,000-$7,500 to publish, dependent upon type of book, word count and type of edit. We do not use pre-made book covers but utilize a graphic designer for your one of a kind cover, there is no template typesetting, or formatting because we understand your book is unique just like you. Reach out below for a specific quote.

We believe in the power of partnership. We use our resources to market and have marketing packages available where we can oversee and implement your social media. We see the benefit of mutual investment in the success of your book. If one can put a thousand to flight, two can put ten thousand to flight! Partnership is exponential. Self-publishing with the credibility of having a publishing house to back your work is a powerful way to reach more souls for the Kingdom of God.

If you are not quite ready for publishing and need some help, see our book coaching options. We are here for you!

Book COaching

Have you ever been told, “Hey, you should write a book!” or maybe you just have a deep knowing in your heart that God wants you to write. These words are like a sonogram image of your book. Maybe it’s precious heart hasn’t even started beating yet, but there is still life. There is still growth, no matter how small. Grainy, faint, but you know there’s a teeny tiny little baby book in there.  

Some babies need more attention. There is blood work, testing, vitamin regimens. Birthing a book is no different. There are stages to the book writing process that we can help you through. I want to help you get that healthy baby or, er book, into this world, to present to your friends, family and readers! 

Not local to the Fort Worth, Texas, area? That’s okay! With technology, clients find a great coaching experience through Zoom calls. Reach out and let’s chat about your project!


And there are also many other things which Jesus did. If they should be all recorded one by one in detail, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain for the books that would be written.

John 21:25, AMP


“I have felt God calling me to write a book for years. Jennifer’s gifts have already been a great asset. On our first meeting, she led me through writing questions that were tough and thought provoking. This has allowed me to dig deeper into what I’m trying to portray in my book and how it will help other people. She gave me words from the Lord to encourage me, lift me up, build my confidence and confirm God’s calling for me. She has been excellent accountability for me and has helped me stay on track with my commitment and discipline to writing the book.”

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17