Welcome to the Dove Pub Blog!
I’m so glad you’re here! Drop by anytime for tips and tales on writing, publishing, and the life of an author! I hope this space is a blessing to you, that you find the wisdom you are seeking and God speaks to you and through you in mighty ways!
Gayle and I bonded over a love for our boys and soccer…and prayer. Gayle is quiet, wise…beautiful. She is a true prayer warrior. The kind of friend that if you ask her to pray you have full confidence that she will actually do it!
When I mentioned God originally, he winced so I asked him. “It doesn’t seem like you believe and I’m completely okay with that but do you believe in God?” I had a clue with the demons that were snaking down his arms but who knows.
I was about to slide into an empty booth in the bustling food court at the Chicago airport when this guy pushed past me and took my spot. I looked at him sideways with eyebrows raised.
Rachel’s story
“I was in withdrawal from the meth. My insides felt like an empty, dark, black cave with no way out, and it was like my body, or maybe the devil was saying…screaming.. give me what I want.”